When we were deciding if we stay or not we were sure that we need a plan, because there is just way to risk too much. Because we both love travelling, but we have never had the time or money or courage to travel for a longer time, we decided to fulfil this our adventurous dream. The plan has begun to form. We will stay in Brighton till the end of February. One of the reason is to save enough money for 3 months of travelling, the second one is that we have fallen in love with Brighton and saying goodbye wasn’t an option. We love Brno, but living abroad in a beautiful town surrounded by the sea? To have the chance to sit on the beach after work and just listen to the sounds of seagulls and waves? That is just amazing. Especially for me since I am kinda water creature. Ah, I would recommend it to everyone, not for the whole life, but just for a while to try, to learn. Then also the boring home becomes more precious, believe me.

And where are we going?

That was pretty clear. Where it is cheap, beautiful and unknown Asia. Well, we cannot probably afford 3 months somewhere else anyway, but even if we could, it would probably still win.

And where in Asia?

There will be more than one destination because that’s what we want. Not to rush anywhere, but we want to fully use this opportunity. Stepan (of course and myself) really wants to see Dubai – the capital of United Arab Emirates, according to Wikipedia most populated city on the Earth and owner of the highest building in the whole world – Burj Khalifa. Because Dubai is on the way to our second destination Sri Lanka his dream will be accomplished.

Sri Lanka is on the other hand my dream (of course even Stepan’s). And why particularly Sri Lanka, Ceylon, the island of tea and elephants? Well, elephants are the reason. I remember how in my second year I came home from the school with information that I and my friends are going to India. My friend Demmi Jaitlly has a father from India and so she told us many stories about how she rides an elephant to school when she is at grandmas and that she will bring one to the Czech Republic – well yeah, we were 8 years old. I wanted also to ride an elephant, so we promised to each other, we also made a contract, that we are going to India. Of course, when our mums found out they said no, but next 3 years I wanted to keep an elephant in front of our house. I never got any elephant so dreams about seeing the elephants were the only thing that left. How time went India has changed to more friendly Sri Lanka and from the wish to ride an elephant it became a dream to just pet an elephant. Well, maybe my dream will be finally fulfilled. We plan to do some volunteering there so who knows maybe I will take care of them at the end!

After Sri Lanka, we are going to beautiful Thailand and when we will have enough money (and we will!!) there is also Malaysia and Singapore on our plan! Oh, We can’t wait! Now we are just waiting for some good flight ticket deal and dream will become reality. So let’s keep your fingers crossed!

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